Patrik Johanssons hemsida

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Antal besökare sedan 21 maj 1997:
Number of visitors since 21 May 1997:
(My ISP took away the script they provided on the old server when moving me to a new one. It will be a while before I fix another one.)
Now is:

Sun Nov 3 17:17:23 CET 2024


My guestbook is on-line again. This time (somewhat) protected against spamming.


about setting up different things with computers.

Bug report

A well written report about bug that I found. I always find that bugs are fixed much faster if I not only say that something is not working, but also why it is not working.


I participate in The Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search. This is a distributed computing effort testing Mersenne numbers to see whether they are prime or not.

There is a web forum, where I sometimes participate under the forum name "patrik".

My best posts

Number of zeros in the (at the time of the post) largest known Mersenne prime
Digit missing in pi ASCII graphics

Nördiga postningar (title yet to be translated into English)

Importance of CR or CR/LF for GMP-ECM
Assembly programs for calling CPUID

Results from last ten days

LL results

Verified test results
Exponent,User name,Computer name,Residue,Shift count,Error code,LL,PRP,Software,Date found
73249633,Patrik Johansson,upsilon,1ADFF27DE85B3417,18811176,,2,0,Linux 64-bit;Prime95;v30.5;build 2,2024-10-27 15:15:41
73468243,Patrik Johansson,upsilon,85B8868D167EB564,37048550,,2,0,Linux 64-bit;Prime95;v30.5;build 2,2024-10-30 07:54:24

PRP results

Verified test results
Exponent,User name,Computer name,Residue,Shift count,ResidueType,ResidueBase,Error code,Software,Date found
133271429,Patrik Johansson,upsilon,9CDD8EB5E2DEAEE2,15150324,1,3,,Linux 64-bit;Prime95;v30.5;build 2,2024-10-25 17:08:53
135918217,Patrik Johansson,sigma,4C89AA8A1D1132EF,58975866,1,3,,Linux 64-bit;Prime95;v30.5;build 2,2024-10-26 21:16:22

Suspect unverified exponents

           theta   33758563 C - Unverified 2015-01-29 04:09 6D1E3E811033FB__	Verified: 33758563,JC,Simenon,6D1E3E811033FBA0,2015-02-09 11:23
              mu   33825989 C - Unverified 2015-02-06 13:59 73E3D79F2AC4EC__	Verified: 33825989,BigBrother,Syme,73E3D79F2AC4ECFF,2015-02-14 22:07
           ws001   33966601 C - Unverified 2015-03-01 07:23 5074C869DEC3F0__	Verified: 33966601,For Research,R320,5074C869DEC3F0F3,2015-03-03 18:46
           ws001   34031483 C - Unverified 2015-03-16 18:14 1CDFA91DE10FBF__	Verified: 34031483,garo,chanakya,1CDFA91DE10FBFAC,2015-04-21 14:00
              mu   34099147 C - Unverified 2015-03-25 07:38 7F6D4633C56413__	Verified: 34099147,The Mawn,MawnUberPC,7F6D4633C564131B,2015-04-02 23:33
           theta   34118057 C - Unverified 2015-04-04 10:07 97AD48DE835942__	Verified: 34118057,Patrik Johansson,ws001,97AD48DE835942B1,2015-05-09 11:46
  Manual_testing   34186543 C - Unverified 2015-01-11 10:51 a99d71e05cd5de__	Verified: 34186543,For Research,R720_5,A99D71E05CD5DEBC,2015-03-30 09:18
           kappa   34254551 C - Unverified 2015-05-14 00:40 CEFBA5AABEE03E__	Verified: 34254551,For Research,R720_6,CEFBA5AABEE03E61,2015-05-15 19:36
            iota   34678201 C - Unverified 2015-06-29 23:33 E9CE9564A2768E__	Verified: 34678201,riccardo uberti,Nomad2C,E9CE9564A2768E68,2015-07-17 19:57
            iota   34708217 C - Unverified 2015-07-11 07:04 5413E71EBBBE35__	Verified: 34708217,riccardo uberti,Nomad2C,5413E71EBBBE3528,2015-08-11 06:41
            iota   35042339 C - Unverified 2015-11-18 12:48 EAE791463D4492__	Verified: 35042339,MadPoo,Manual testing,EAE791463D449295,,2015-12-30 21:31
           ws001   35052037 C - Unverified 2015-12-29 12:31 84F18E7FF350BE__	Verified: 35052037,Bill Staffen,man018-main,84F18E7FF350BE7E,,2016-01-07 07:51
           kappa   35126111 C - Unverified 2016-01-04 14:23 646A636AA9824D__	Verified: 35126111,Amy Pond,3820v2,646A636AA9824D7E,,2016-01-06 18:21
           sigma   35188547 C - Unverified 2016-01-11 14:10 00E410265EF1BC__	Verified: 35188547,endless_mike,EM_Core_i7_6700,00E410265EF1BC33,,2016-01-17 17:59
           ws001   35319839 C - Mismatch 2016-02-13 10:36 EDBEFA1DD54582__	Verified: 35319839,el grocco,PC,EDBEFA1DD5458224,,2016-02-16 18:17
  Manual_testing   35478853 C - Unverified 2015-05-30 05:55 abcbb84c3e4cde__	Verified: 35478853,Greg,Manual testing,ABCBB84C3E4CDE5D,2015-10-29 22:19
           kappa   35483257 C - Mismatch 2016-02-28 06:15 02738EBC25D7B3__	Verified: 35483257,MadPoo,Manual testing,02738EBC25D7B322,,2016-03-15 23:21
            iota   35484011 C - Unverified 2016-01-22 16:58 1E8987B9F5CD03__	Verified: 35484011,MadPoo,Manual testing,1E8987B9F5CD0356,,2016-02-02 15:28
            iota   35781509 C - Unverified 2015-08-03 06:41 31F95F80D6097A__	Verified: 35781509,MadPoo,Manual testing,31F95F80D6097A20,,2016-02-05 20:59
           theta   35814787 C - Unverified 2015-08-11 18:22 6C1BAD6F8DD147__	Verified: 35814787,MadPoo,Manual testing,6C1BAD6F8DD147F6,,2016-02-11 01:56
  Manual_testing   36230993 C - Unverified 2015-10-02 05:29 61e2c4212dba4e__	Found bad by: 36230993,AirSquirrels,Manual testing,F58C954907AADAEE,,2016-02-18 07:20
  Manual_testing   36395917 C - Unverified 2015-10-30 17:09 e3e34cedfad2cb__	Found bad by: 36395917,AirSquirrels,Manual testing,71FE387058405ECC,,2016-02-18 10:40
  Manual_testing   36395999 C - Unverified 2015-11-06 17:31 1137dc2079b1eb__	Found bad by: 36395999,AirSquirrels,Manual testing,3E5E3337E4D3C045,,2016-02-19 03:50
  Manual_testing   36934741 C - Mismatch 2016-05-14 13:23 956a25313ec200__	Found bad by: 36934741,riccardo uberti,Phoenix4C,BF066ACD442F47B6,,2016-06-02 08:20
  Manual_testing   36990313 C - Mismatch 2016-05-23 09:21 af4403071e8ca2__	Verified: 36990313,MadPoo,Manual testing,AF4403071E8CA23B,,2016-06-04 01:10
  Manual_testing   37175377 C - Mismatch 2016-06-02 13:23 54445c7345de6c__	Verified: 37175377,MadPoo,Manual testing,54445C7345DE6C89,,2016-07-02 03:19
  Manual_testing   38243683 C - Unverified 2015-09-09 05:07 f83279c058bd3c__	Verified: 38243683,ANONYMOUS,,F83279C058BD3CB6,,2015-12-22 01:06
           sigma   38338639 C - Unverified 2015-10-11 13:59 EEEA9D548AA965__	Verified: 38338639,AirSquirrels,Manual testing,EEEA9D548AA965F6,,2016-04-06 14:20
           sigma   38338819 C - Unverified 2015-10-11 13:31 67C65B5A8DEEA3__	Found bad by: 38338819,AirSquirrels,Manual testing,9B2B04809FEE617C,,2016-04-06 13:41
           sigma   38338823 C - Unverified 2015-10-11 14:19 A9AE43C6F05F09__	Found bad by: 38338823,AirSquirrels,Manual testing,74B32C210630C7D3,,2016-04-06 13:45
              nu   38619041 C - Mismatch 2016-03-25 19:32 679AAB907E6573__	Verified: 38619041,MadPoo,Manual testing,679AAB907E6573E8,,2016-04-22 04:19
           sigma   38691139 C - Unverified 2015-10-11 21:35 16B1A1FDE39158__	Found bad by: 38691139,forrest-lumpkin,ThinkCP_Westmere,703A6BFF8B5DE915,2015-10-29 18:57
           ws001   38754871 C - Suspect 2016-09-30 00:54 65615DC3D286C0__	Found bad by: 38754871,riccardo uberti,Nomad2C,13DE4016C1C76A2A,,2016-10-10 10:40
           ws001   38754901 C - Mismatch 2016-09-30 00:56 EF5DB368F35A94__	Found bad by: 38754901,riccardo uberti,Nomad2C,576063EB83477505,,2016-10-15 15:15
           kappa   38855851 C - Mismatch 2016-06-10 11:21 47E47243BCD3DC__	Verified: 38855851,AirSquirrels,Manual testing,47E47243BCD3DC37,,2016-06-21 14:25
           sigma   39016729 C - Unverified 2015-09-14 06:20 A61C79D25B4C6A__	Found bad by: 39016729,MadPoo,Manual testing,E12E94EF004147E7,2015-10-23 17:44
           sigma   39018389 C - Unverified 2015-09-14 07:14 267DA8A53D5971__	Found bad by: 39018389,arnaud,segepo,B1471DF7FFBBA54F,,2016-03-09 12:12
           sigma   39070231 C - Unverified 2015-09-10 08:41 DCA720712ED940__	Found bad by: 39070231,PilotRICHEE,work_1,D5FE1583820D4CFB,2015-09-14 09:00
           sigma   39143207 C - Unverified 2015-09-10 09:16 C521C47E980636__	Found bad by: 39143207,AirSquirrels,Manual testing,F213F3CDD8BF479C,,2016-04-25 07:15
           sigma   39728497 C - Unverified 2015-09-20 06:17 4DC43F2A7030FA__	Found bad by: 39728497,curtisc,cot201--19l,8EC3EB5DA42B7777,2015-09-29 08:41
              pi   40268381 C - Mismatch 2016-03-10 19:30 13E03CE2B41229__	Verified: 40268381,MadPoo,Manual testing,13E03CE2B4122932,,2016-08-26 19:57
              mu   40521011 C - Mismatch 2017-04-03 07:02 AEB50A362B2D08__	Verified: 40521011,kawabe,giorgio,AEB50A362B2D08A5,,2017-04-13 15:53
  Manual_testing   40868339 C - Mismatch 2016-09-06 09:23 2cb1d2e39a6ac8__	Found bad by: 40868339,AirSquirrels,Manual testing,AFEDCBEEEA5B19BF,,2016-10-02 09:27
  Manual_testing   40961201 C - Mismatch 2016-11-14 14:23 91e4bb5facea22__	Verified: 40961201,MadPoo,Manual testing,91E4BB5FACEA2201,,2016-12-03 06:50
  Manual_testing   41098261 C - Mismatch 2017-05-29 09:21 41fb83e9bdb0c0__	Verified: 41098261,MadPoo,Manual testing,41FB83E9BDB0C0B9,,2017-06-05 14:20
  Manual_testing   41338483 C - Mismatch 2017-07-19 12:22 7e2936451aad10__	Verified: 41338483,MadPoo,Manual testing,7E2936451AAD1060,,2017-07-21 05:38
           sigma   41379053 C - Unverified 2015-10-07 15:09 5DCE33032DF1F3__	Found bad by: 41379053,jaybrau,jh_aws,D4932F766498E9F6,2015-11-25 11:27
  Manual_testing   42477689 C - Mismatch 2017-04-07 09:21 b8e619048e8477__	Verified: 42477689,MadPoo,Manual testing,B8E619048E847771,,2017-04-10 15:52
  Manual_testing   42477791 C - Mismatch 2017-04-11 09:21 8f943f6963f1f8__	Verified: 42477791,MadPoo,Manual testing,8F943F6963F1F87D,,2017-04-14 16:27
           kappa   42895361 C - Mismatch 2018-02-19 11:19 FF290D7EDA5101__	Verified: 42895361,MadPoo,Manual testing,FF290D7EDA51018C,,2018-02-20 15:41
            iota   43241743 C - Suspect 2017-08-15 23:55 6FCCB10DB2A542__	Found bad by: 43241743,kkmrkkblmbrbk,c4.large,148341D449931B54,,2017-08-26 16:43
  Manual_testing   43535287 C - Mismatch 2018-01-09 13:22 972E1AAB79E17B__	Verified: 43535287,MadPoo,Manual testing,972E1AAB79E17B3B,,2018-01-11 22:05
            iota   43541039 C - Mismatch 2017-09-01 23:42 75E14EACF19267__	Found bad by: 43541039,MadPoo,Manual testing,CE4A1DB962C5087E,,2017-09-03 16:29
            iota   43541167 C - Mismatch 2017-09-01 23:25 E772721A7533F7__	Found bad by: 43541167,MadPoo,Manual testing,D1001B9B31B25607,,2017-09-03 16:29
           ws001   43973191 C - Mismatch 2018-02-19 14:49 50515AB15A6799__	Verified: 43973191,MadPoo,Manual testing,50515AB15A679907,,2018-02-20 17:50
         upsilon   44190737 C - Mismatch 2018-05-10 08:25 B8726F1B0D0156__	Verified: 44190737,Jouni Makkonen,alppila,B8726F1B0D0156CA,,2018-05-18 08:56
  Manual_testing   44863771 C - Mismatch 2018-04-03 09:21 BA2F87AD7232C0__	Verified: 44863771,zulian,M81,BA2F87AD7232C0CE,,2018-04-21 02:24
  Manual_testing   45379651 C - Mismatch 2018-06-02 08:37 005BC5DBB8FAAB__	Found bad by: 45379651,riccardo uberti,Tuareg4C,F97DBCF52AAD1AFB,,2018-08-23 19:17
         upsilon   46711099 C - Mismatch 2019-02-02 10:19 2EB084FD8F758C__	Verified: 46711099,rudimeier,glaukos,2EB084FD8F758C59,,2019-02-06 08:11
           ws001   47018149 C - Mismatch 2019-01-11 15:10 499B450058A85F__	Verified: 47018149,Amy Pond,4670K-Main.v2,499B450058A85FD3,,2019-03-01 11:45
           kappa   47180893 C - Mismatch 2019-01-01 20:18 0389013021B1DA__	Verified: 47180893,endless_mike,EM_Core_i5_6500_1,0389013021B1DA64,,2019-03-14 10:15
  Manual_testing   47655871 C - Mismatch 2018-10-18 13:23 984BBBA570EA7D__	Verified: 47655871,endless_mike,EM_Core_i5_6500_7,984BBBA570EA7D33,,2019-01-01 03:25
            iota   47820419 C - Mismatch 2018-11-07 19:04 D6EE1E245C5819__	Verified: 47820419,Jayder,Black_Adder,D6EE1E245C581915,,2018-12-25 10:33
         upsilon   49315639 C-LL - Mismatch 2019-07-18 00:56 961C4CA997363F__	Verified: 49315639,MadPoo,Manual testing,961C4CA997363FDA,,2019-10-04 15:40
  Manual_testing   50701457 C-LL - Mismatch 2019-08-21 13:23 245B2A486A6991__	Found bad by: 50701457,endless_mike,EM_Core_i5_6500_3,7A06AC8B3CF122D1,,2019-09-22 17:53
           kappa   51150037 C-LL - Mismatch 2019-12-09 09:25 19A63088403D98__	Verified: 51150037,slaur,nocebo,19A63088403D9841,,2020-01-27 01:30
  Manual_testing   53591537 C-LL - Mismatch 2020-05-21 09:21 869BC36426539E__	Verified: 53591537,Mark Rose,,869BC36426539E40,07000900,2020-09-16 00:36
  Manual_testing   55182599 C-LL - Mismatch 2020-06-12 09:21 F599B223FE262B__	Verified: 55182599,Jan S.,Manual testing,F599B223FE262B0A,,2020-10-01 05:26
  Manual_testing   56380757 C-LL - Mismatch 2020-12-11 10:21 0F42E02AAB3C50__	Verified: 56380757,Kriesel,ostrich,0F42E02AAB3C5061,,2020-12-20 21:10
         upsilon   59513689 C-LL - Mismatch 2021-10-12 18:05 C3C3FE225BBF95__	Verified: 59513689,Team_Inspector,SpudBoy4,C3C3FE225BBF9527,56739264,,2021-11-01 09:13
           kappa   60538859 C-LL - Mismatch 2022-02-16 21:57 B49D73588E8DC6__	Found bad by: 60538859,MadPoo,Manual testing,FB06A9D64F34EC50,4562241,,2022-02-25 03:36
  Manual_testing   63375517 C-LL - Mismatch 2022-05-12 09:21 29F9C3698F4F35__	Verified: 63375517,MadPoo,Manual testing,29F9C3698F4F351F,2836354,,2022-05-29 02:57
              xi   64343353 C - Unverified 2016-01-07 22:50 0FE42CCDEC16C7__	Verified: 64343353,MadPoo,Manual testing,0FE42CCDEC16C70C,,2016-09-15 15:27
              pi   65255237 C - Suspect 2015-01-10 17:23 F7BF66D2D8F1B8__	Found bad by: 65255237,curtisc,jckl-cch32l,66D4BF6F6D798225,,2015-05-28 20:53 65255237,MadPoo,Manual testing,66D4BF6F6D798225,,2016-07-14 22:45
             rho   81583067 C - Suspect 2017-10-30 19:19 BAC5F37B7992C2__	Found bad by: 81583067,arnaud,srv-640,FEC5F5F4C63DF75C,,2018-09-27 03:44 81583067,endless_mike,EM_Core_i5_6500_4,FEC5F5F4C63DF75C,,2019-11-08 14:13
              pi   84097561 C-LL - Suspect 2019-04-08 06:04 D71BCCC9B1AF4C__	Verified: 84097561,qprime,qprime,D71BCCC9B1AF4CE7,,2019-05-03 07:39
             rho   88652453 C-LL - Suspect 2019-06-11 03:35 6A79196F76B534__	Found bad by: 88652453,brode-runner,C5_4XL,358F7A25BF1400F4,,2019-12-13 14:31 88652453,Runtime Error,Manual testing,358F7A25BF1400F4,,2020-09-21 14:38

The progress of double-checking the non-suspect unverified exponents is updated only monthly.

Gravity measurement

A 7 min video showing one gravity measurement during field work in northern Sweden. (A conversation in Swedish might be heard.)
Gravity measurement video Another one:Another gravity measurement video Gravity measurement on ice (15 min, 234 MB):Gravity measurement video on ice

Gravity measurement in Haparanda archipelago

My colleague Niklas Juhojuntti is making a gravity measurement on Ormskäret in Haparanda archipelago in August 2013.

Photo: Patrik Johansson.

Avvägning av grundvattenrör

The equipment used for measuring height when measuring gravity can also be used for other purposes at the Geological Survey. Here the groundwater level above the geoid ("sea level") is measured. This is a different but similar equipment than in the video clips above, which does not have the receiver built into the antenna.

Photo: Alicja Kawalec-Majka.

Assembling an Intel NUC

Assembling Intel NUC video

My weight

My weight 2019-
My weight (2011-)

Daily max and min of magnetic declination /kompassens missvisning/ at Uppsala Geophysical Observatory

The first plot shows the daily maximum and minimum value of the magnetic declination at Uppsala Geophysical Observatory, about 20 km west of central Uppsala. The median, and 10th and 90th percentile are also shown. E.g. on February 04, we see that the declination momentarily exceeds 5.7 degrees.
The second plot shows daily mean values (the blue curve), quiet days and monthly means (of quiet days). The quiet days are the five international quietest days, derived from the Kp index and published by GFZ Potsdam. The average of the field for these five days is then representing the monthly mean (the green line). When most of the quiet days occur in one end of the month, this approximation is less good (e.g. October 2010: 1, 2, 3, 4, 14).
(I describe how the plots are created here.)
Daily Magnetic Declination Plot
Based on Q- and D-days list updated Mon Oct 7 07:37:04 UTC 2024
Abisko Declination Mean Value Plot Lycksele Declination Mean Value Plot Uppsala Declination Mean Value Plot Abisko Declination Monthly Mean Value Plot Lycksele Declination Monthly Mean Value Plot Uppsala Declination Monthly Mean Value Plot Abisko Rate of Change of Declination Plot Lycksele Rate of Change of Declination Plot Uppsala Rate of Change of Declination Plot

Other components than the declination

Below are shown the rates of change of the geomagnetic north (X), east (Y) and vertical (Z) components.
North Component Rate of Change Plot East Component Rate of Change Plot Vertical Component Rate of Change Plot

Wavelet transform of geomagnetic data

Link to image that shows the X component of Uppsala, instrument up2, for 01 Mar 2004 and a few hours of Mar 02. Time on horisontal axis, and scale on vertical axis.

Web camera (off-line)
Postscript plot (~1MB) not updated

of difference between FGE magnetometer from DMI (named up2) and new LEMI 008 S magnetometer from Ukraine (named up3).

Space 1999 (Månbas Alpha)

My colleagues and I have been to Iceland. Pictures.

Photo: Per Wittmar.

Look what I found...

...when I was looking for aurora at the Auroral Large Imaging System (ALIS). Pay special attention to Kiruna.

Latest K indices

What's K indices?

These K indices have been computed at SGU using the FMI algorithm developed at the Finnish Meteorological Institute.

Planetary K index Kp

The Lovö observatory is one of the 13 observatories used to derive a global K index, the planetary Kp index. Read more about this at GFZ Potsdam. Here you can view the so called Musical diagrams of the Kp index (explained under "What is the Kp index?").

Geomagnetic C9 Index (Daily Character)

Each day gets an index from 0 (quiet) to 9 (very disturbed), plotted in different colours. This plot has a width of 27 days (+6 overlapping days) to enhance repeated disturbances due to solar rotation.
2009 was particularly quiet.
Uppsala C9 Index plot

Magnetic declination

A map can be found here at the Geological Survey of Sweden.

Listen to modem

A 30 sec audio file (.au) of the modem calling Lovö geomagnetic observatory to get data. The Lovö observatory is now closed. Telephone links to Abisko and Uppsala are realized via ADSL.

Today's magnetic field

Read more about geomagnetism at the Geological Survey of Canada geomagnetism page page.


uucico uuab2 sil (2024-03-12 14:11:51.86 2494903) Receiving /var/spool/uucppublic/ab2/mar/12/11:45:00.00Y00.Z (74829 bytes)
uucico uuab2 sil (2024-03-12 14:12:03.67 2494903) Receiving /var/spool/uucppublic/ab2/mar/12/11:15:00.00Y00.Z (80979 bytes)
uucico uuab2 sil (2024-03-12 14:12:16.43 2494903) Receiving /var/spool/uucppublic/ab2/mar/12/11:00:00.00Y00.Z (81555 bytes)
uucico uuab2 sil (2024-03-12 14:12:29.75 2494903) Receiving /var/spool/uucppublic/ab2/mar/12/11:45:00.00Z00.Z (76913 bytes)
uucico uuab2 sil (2024-03-12 14:12:41.89 2494903) Receiving /var/spool/uucppublic/ab2/mar/12/11:15:00.00Z00.Z (76485 bytes)
uucico uuab2 sil (2024-03-12 14:12:54.00 2494903) Receiving /var/spool/uucppublic/ab2/mar/12/11:00:00.00X00.Z (85429 bytes)
uucico uuab2 sil (2024-03-12 14:13:08.68 2494903) Receiving /var/spool/uucppublic/ab2/mar/12/11:30:00.00X00.Z (74015 bytes)
uucico uuab2 sil (2024-03-12 14:13:20.30 2494903) Receiving /var/spool/uucppublic/ab2/mar/12/11:30:00.00Y00.Z (72297 bytes)
uucico uuab2 - (2024-03-12 14:13:31.60 2494903) Protocol 'g' packets: sent 27, resent 0, received 14625
uucico uuab2 - (2024-03-12 14:13:31.65 2494903) Call complete (149 seconds 933130 bytes 6262 bps)
Abisko Magnetic field plot

Abisko: operated by SGU, Sweden 
(Lat:68.36N, Long:18.82E, Mag.Lat:65.90, Mag.Long:115.36) 
(note: this figure is only for non-commercial monitoring purpose)


Lovö geomagnetic observatory was closed and recordings discontinued on April 26, 2004.


Lycksele Magnetic field plot

Lycksele: jointly operated by IRF and SGU, Sweden 
(Lat:64°36'43" N, Long:18°44'53" E)
(note: this figure is only for non-commercial monitoring purpose)


********** uuup1 ********** (uucico)
uucico uuup1 - (2024-03-12 14:13:30.84 2502253) Calling system uuup1 (port TCP)
uucico uuup1 - (2024-03-12 14:13:31.12 2502253) Login successful
uucico uuup1 - (2024-03-12 14:13:31.43 2502253) Handshake successful (protocol 'g' sending packet/window 64/7 receiving 64/7)
uucico uuup1 sil (2024-03-12 14:13:31.72 2502253) Receiving /var/spool/uucppublic/up1/mar/12/11:15:00.00Y00.Z (84369 bytes)
uucico uuup1 sil (2024-03-12 14:13:55.51 2502253) Receiving /var/spool/uucppublic/up1/mar/12/11:45:00.00Z00.Z (70227 bytes)
uucico uuup1 sil (2024-03-12 14:14:16.14 2502253) Receiving /var/spool/uucppublic/up1/mar/12/11:30:00.00X00.Z (69989 bytes)
uucico uuup1 sil (2024-03-12 14:14:35.87 2502253) Receiving /var/spool/uucppublic/up1/mar/12/11:45:00.00X00.Z (72401 bytes)
uucico uuup1 sil (2024-03-12 14:14:55.18 2502253) Receiving /var/spool/uucppublic/up1/mar/12/11:00:00.00X00.Z (80983 bytes)
uucico uuup1 sil (2024-03-12 14:15:20.35 2502253) Receiving /var/spool/uucppublic/up1/mar/12/11:30:00.00Y00.Z (76195 bytes)
uucico uuup1 sil (2024-03-12 14:15:41.50 2502253) Receiving /var/spool/uucppublic/up1/mar/12/11:00:00.00Y00.Z (81047 bytes)
********** uuup2 ********** (uucico)
uucico uuup2 - (2024-03-12 14:13:31.93 2502256) Login successful
uucico uuup2 - (2024-03-12 14:13:32.24 2502256) Handshake successful (protocol 'g' sending packet/window 64/7 receiving 64/7)
uucico uuup2 sil (2024-03-12 14:13:32.54 2502256) Receiving /var/spool/uucppublic/up3/mar/12/120000-mag.Z (36416 bytes)
uucico uuup2 sil (2024-03-12 14:13:43.10 2502256) Receiving /var/spool/uucppublic/up2/mar/12/11:30:00.00Z00.Z (63103 bytes)
uucico uuup2 sil (2024-03-12 14:14:01.60 2502256) Receiving /var/spool/uucppublic/up2/mar/12/11:30:00.00Y00.Z (70837 bytes)
uucico uuup2 sil (2024-03-12 14:14:22.22 2502256) Receiving /var/spool/uucppublic/up2/mar/12/11:45:00.00Y00.Z (72969 bytes)
uucico uuup2 sil (2024-03-12 14:14:42.91 2502256) Receiving /var/spool/uucppublic/up2/mar/12/11:00:00.00Z00.Z (65765 bytes)
uucico uuup2 sil (2024-03-12 14:15:02.12 2502256) Receiving /var/spool/uucppublic/up2/mar/12/11:15:00.00Y00.Z (78327 bytes)
uucico uuup2 sil (2024-03-12 14:15:25.65 2502256) Receiving /var/spool/uucppublic/up2/mar/12/11:15:00.00Z00.Z (66467 bytes)
uucico uuup2 sil (2024-03-12 14:15:43.88 2502256) Receiving /var/spool/uucppublic/up2/mar/12/11:15:00.00X00.Z (74535 bytes)
Uppsala temperature plotUppsala 7 day temperature plotUppsala Magnetic field plotup2 humidity and temperature plot

Uppsala: operated by SGU, Sweden 
(Lat:59.90N, Long:17.35E) 
(note: this figure is only for non-commercial monitoring purpose)

Power status

-rwx------  1 wu001179 2000 537 Jan 17  2014 ../powfail.txt
Mail messages about "Abnormal":
Mail messages about "Power Failure":
Mail messages about "shutdown":
Mail messages about "Abnormal":
Mail messages about "Power Failure":
Mail messages about "shutdown":
Mail messages about "Abnormal":
Mail messages about "Power Failure":
Mail messages about "shutdown":
Mail messages about "Abnormal":
Mail messages about "Power Failure":
Mail messages about "shutdown":
Mail messages about "Abnormal":
Mail messages about "Power Failure":
Mail messages about "shutdown":
Mail messages about "Abnormal":

Magnetic field plots at WDC-C2 in Kyoto



I still include a link to the ephemeris for Hale-Bopp, although it is out of date.


I haven't finished the list of interesting links yet. You may look at my bookmarks instead.
Previous change 25 December 2008/Tidigare ändrad 25 december 2008. (Fixed broken links.)
Prevoius change 28 May 2009/Tidigare ändrad 28 maj 2009. (Added Jag är Guldpirat och donerar pengar till Piratpartiet.)
Previous change 18 December 2009/Tidigare ändrad 18 december 2009. (Added linked image of up2 temp. and rel. humidity.)
Previous change 25 December 2009/Tidigare ändrad 25 december 2009. (Replaced inlined image of wavelet plot with a link. Added linked image of geomagnetic C9 index for UPS.)
Previous change 11 February 2010/Tidigare ändrad 11 februari 2010. (Added inlined image of max and min declination for UPS.)
Previous change 4 July 2010/Tidigare ändrad 4 juli 2010. (Added mean value plot of magneic declination for UPS.)
Previous change 11 July 2010/Tidigare ändrad 11 juli 2010. (Added link to notes.)
Previous change 24 April 2011/Tidigare ändrad 23 april 2011. (Added a few lines of explaining text.)
Previous change 19 September 2011/Tidigare ändrad 19 september 2011. (Added new video of gravity measurement.)
Previous change 29 September 2011/Tidigare ändrad 29 september 2011. (Added another video of a gravity measurement.)
Previous change 16 October 2011/Tidigare ändrad 16 oktober 2011. (Added links to my best posts in mersenneforum.)
Previous change 24 February 2012/Tidigare ändrad 24 februari 2012. (Added a video of a gravity measurement on ice.)
Previous change 21 October 2012/Tidigare ändrad 21 oktober 2012. (Added an image (cows).)
Previous change 28 July 2013/Tidigare ändrad 28 juli 2013. (Added a 7 day plot of temperatures at Fiby.)
Previous change 20 December 2013/Tidigare ändrad 20 december 2013. (Added a video of me assembling an Intel NUC.)
Previous change 17 April 2014/Tidigare ändrad 17 april 2014. (Added an image of Haparanda archipelago.)
Previous change 25 May 2014/Tidigare ändrad 25 maj 2014. (Fixed a few links that were moved.)
Previous change 30 July 2014/Tidigare ändrad 30 juli 2014. (Temorarily changed LYC plot to secondary system.)
Previous change 20 December 2014/Tidigare ändrad 20 december 2014. (Added info about communications disruption.)
Previous change 26 December 2014/Tidigare ändrad 26 december 2014. (Updated information about Uppsala observatory.)
Previous change 1 February 2015/Tidigare ändrad 1 februari 2015. (Now listing progress of suspect exponents, and removed outdated information about Uppsala observatory.)
Previous change 12 May 2015/Tidigare ändrad 12 maj 2015. (Moved scripts and includes from SSI to PHP5 since they stopped working when my ISP upgraded to PHP5.)
Previous change 3 March 2016/Tidigare ändrad 3 mars 2016. (Added plot of my weight.)
Previous change 31 March 2016/Tidigare ändrad 31 mars 2016. (Automated recreating plot of my weight when data file changes.)
Previous change 21 July 2017/Tidigare ändrad 21 juli 2017. (Removed Jag är Guldpirat och donerar pengar till Piratpartiet.)
Previous change 18 March 2018/Tidigare ändrad 18 mars 2018. (Added geomagnetic declination plots for Abisko and Lycksele.)
Previous change 25 March 2018/Tidigare ändrad 25 mars 2018. (Added rate of change plots for geomagnetic north (X), east (Y) and vertical (Z) components.)
Previous change 30 March 2018/Tidigare ändrad 30 mars 2018. (Fixed links to my best posts, since the page number had changed. Now I have learnt how to refer to the right page of the thread without hard-coding the page number.)
Previous change 24 July 2019/Tidigare ändrad 24 juli 2019. (Links to GFZ Potsdam had changed.)
Previous change 11 January 2020/Tidigare ändrad 11 januari 2020. (Updated lastest exponent script (not actually this php file) to also show PRP (probable prime) results.)
Previous change 12 January 2020/Tidigare ändrad 12 januari 2020. (Inserted link to my best bug report.)
Previous change 20 March 2021/Tidigare ändrad 20 mars 2021. (Inserted link to non-suspect unverified exponents.)
Previous change 7 May 2022/Tidigare ändrad 7 maj 2022. (Plotting weight from 2019. Link to old plot using weights from 2011 on.)
Last change 28 May 2024/Senast ändrad 28 maj 2024. (Putting K index statistics in an iframe window.)